Optimizing the power of the sun

For a cleaner and greener future

GCS develops green energy solutions out of a deep commitment to a sustainable future and reducing carbon emissions. Our groundbreaking development stands at the crossroads between materials engineering and optics and allows for the first time a solar panel with double the output than has been made possible so far with the help of existing technology. Now more than ever, the inexhaustible power of the sun offers a viable alternative to power the world.

Will you join us on a journey towards sustainability?

A true gamechanger
to the world of sustainable energy

The TPV panel (Thermo Photovoltaic Panel) offers improved efficiency and game changing work output. Thanks to the groundbreaking technology in the new panel, several advantages are now available to solar system manufacturers.

Higher output than ever

Higher output than ever

An innovative blend of materials and advanced optical solutions enable the production of 30-38% of the energy available for electricity and production at a higher output than has ever been seen. All this, on an ever-limited surface, which will make it possible to set up solar systems on limited areas and at lower costs than ever.

Product life is longer than ever

Product life is longer than ever

The GCS panel provides more working hours than any other solar panel on the market and allows you to get the most out of your photovoltaic system. The return on investment you will be able to attain from the system is massive.

Lower production costs

Lower production costs

The use of advanced optical light concentration saves the use of expensive semiconductors and significantly reduces the system’s manufacturing costs.

Unprecedented profitability

Unprecedented profitability

The current system will allow to generate electricity of small price per kilowatt.

We anticipate that these benefits will offer
a potential market value of $ 21 billion.

How does it work?

The double efficiency of the new panel is made possible thanks to two main pillars that drive this revolutionary innovation trend in the field of solar panels.

Groundbreaking optical technology

The optical utilization enabled by the GCS solar panel fundamentally changes the way future solar energy solutions are designed. The ability to generate an ever-higher amount of electricity on an ever-smaller area will save production costs for solar energy production systems in an unprecedented manner.

By creating a large, deep surface, it is now possible to concentrate more light rays than ever before in a small area and direct the light at an ideal angle and concentration for maximum power generation. Using a wide range of advanced optical aids, a concentrated light funnel is created at all hours of the day, regardless of the current angle of the sun. Without any need for mechanical means or panel angle adjustments throughout the day, sunlight is always utilized to the fullest.

Thermoelectric materials

A unique combination of high-performance thermoelectric materials makes it possible to produce optimal energy over a wide range of temperatures. Thus, it is possible to generate electricity with unprecedented output at all hours of the day, at every angle and at every level of exposure of the panel to the sun. These materials’ nano structure allows for a tremendously improved performance when it comes to electricity output from the sun and has physical and chemical properties that propel the thermoelectric technologies to a stage that has not yet been seen.

Where do we stand today?

Currently, R&D is defined and ready for the prototype development process – Level 2 technological readiness. This innovative solution will revolutionize the clean energy industry and will provide twice the power compared to current production costs. The Israeli Ministry of Energy supports the project, and we are currently in the process of registering a patent and preparing for the development of the prototype.

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and take part in our journey to develop
tomorrow’s energy solutions.

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